Enugu & Diaspora:

Enugu & Diaspora: A Noteworthy Quest for Synergy EZEJIOFO SUNNY UDEH espatfame@aol.com Enugu, Nigeria December 4, 2015 ….the result of such intellectual gathering and its possible annual repeats would go a long way to create synergic effect and boost the economic development of Enugu State veering it off dependence on the dwindling oil money of Abuja…….Dr. Udeh T ime flies as they say, but the good experience is fresh on my memory. One of such is dabbling into the exciting political arena of Nigeria. It was September 23, 2010, when I stood among family, friends and supporters seeking their support for my quest to represent Udi-Ezeagu federal constituency in the House of Representatives. As a returnee I registered with the Enugu Diaspora Organization (EDO) to earn a place at the Filbon Hotel in New Haven the bastion of most Diaspora political activities. It was a great experience happening at a time of blossoming and cordial relationship ...