
Showing posts from September, 2016


Wins Nigerian Professional Football League by Obori Adaka Leadership is one of those confusing concepts which many neither appreciate nor understand.  It is said to be art in one aspect and science to others.  It spurs action and brings out the best in people.  Leadership sets vision, communicates such and provides strategic pathway to realizing the vision.  Leadership sets goals and objectives as it energizes and motivates with human and material resources to achieve results.  The key is result. For the past 32 years, the great Rangers International has been participating, I mean, just participating but not winning. The players worked hard on their games that many were bought by foreign teams in Europe and South Africa.  The only missing part is a championship win.  However the  story of the Flying Antelopes, the Enugu Rangers International Club changed for good when the effective leadership of His Excellency Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi br...

COMMUNIQUÉ OF THE 22nd Convention of the World Igbo Congress.

Theme: “K’anyi mezie Ala Igbo” (Let’s Restore Igbo Land)  09/06/2016    COMMUNIQUÉ OF THE  22nd Convention of the World Igbo Congress.   Hilton New York JFK, New York, NY Sep 1 – 4, 2016    Is SUED September 6, 2016  The executive council of the World Igbo Congress, on behalf of the convening affiliates, issues the following Communiqué at the end of its 22 nd Annual Convention which held at Hilton New York JFK Airport, 144-02 135th Ave, Jamaica, NY 11436 from September 1 to 4, 2016.  1 . Upon meeting quorum (See list of the 12 of the 16 affiliates in attendance below), the WIC Chairman, Joe Nze Eto declared Convention open (Sep 2, at 12:00 noon). Dr. Marcel Ajah, Board Chairman of Igbo Organization of New York was the Convention chairman.  CONVENING AFFILIATES  i. Igbo People’s Congress Houston, Texas  ii. Igbo Association of Nashville, Tennessee  iii. Nneji Ndigbo of greater Cincinnati, Ohio...