EGEDE: On the Path to Economic Prosperity

EZEJIOFO SUNNY PATRICK UDEH Ph.D. A brief paper presented at the first Egede Economic Summit Sept 6, 2018 Today I will share with you brief information about Egede and her local economic development prospects. I will tell tales of two small towns, one in the USA called Hershey, Pennsylvania and another in the small rural community in Anambra State renamed Umuchukwu. I will share the roles played by two of their sons to get them where they are today. Furthermore, I will comment on the great opportunity I call ‘farming for export’, and new business sector for Egede that will thrive with the help of our young people. Finally, I will conclude by pointing out the need for political stability as a major driver of local economic development. Opening Comment I am very happy to be here, among my own very people, to share ideas, perspectives, to learn from each other and shape a path to a better economic prosperity for Egede. I ...