Umu Enugu Ibem:
I am very proud to say:
"I Endorse Hon. Chukwuma Ojukwu as The next President of Enugu
Association, USA."------One Igbo Adage says: "AFU DIMKPA, AFU
OGONOGO IMI YA" ie ( when you see the great man, you automatically see his
well projected Nose). Yes, we have all read Hon. Ojukwu's rich Résumé
and some of us who might have at one level or the
other associated with him, might have said; yes, this is really
the one, and some would probably rate him higher with such elevated
leadership capabilities than the contents of his resume.
On my own part as the
Founding Father and President Emeritus of Nkanu Association USA, I worked
closely with Hon. Chuma Ojukwu from the year 2007 through to 2010. He, as the
National Publicity Secretary, a position during which he displayed, beyond
all doubts, his potential leadership qualities.
During that period,
I observed that Hon.Ojukwu is:
1. A great Strategic
Planner and Executor------A leadership Quality that Enugu USA needs.
2. A Humble
Initiator and Coordinator ------A leadership Quality that Enugu USA needs
3. A Rational
Thinker and Advisor--------A leadership Quality that Enugu USA needs
4. An Analytical
Evaluator ---------A leadership Quality that Enugu USA needs
5. A-Give
Unto Caesar that which is due unto Caesar and Unto God that which belongs
to God------A leadership Quality that Enugu USA needs, that will help
to check that horrible circumstance of; "A whole Container Load of
Medical Supplies flew out of the sail ship and disappeared into the High Seas.
A Box of Medications meant for the less privileged sick people disappeared
from the treatment Center to an unknown Center."
Umu Enugu Ibem, I humbly
ask that we unanimously elect A New President of Enugu USA who will
continue with absolute resolve for a greater Enugu USA of high Sense of
Transparency, Accountability and Solid Sense of Project Execution. This
President is no other than Hon. Chukwuma Ojukwu, Okosisi N Nike.
I, and on behalf of
Umu Enugu United, New York, Inc. Endorse Hon. Chuma Ojukwu as the Upcoming
President of Enugu Association, USA.
Ogbuzuru Uchenna Nnamani
Okpokoba Umu Nkanu N AMERICA
Coordinator, Umu Enugu United, New York,
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